Sports correspondence
BEIJING, June 12, (Xinhua) – International Olympic Committee(IOC) President Dr. Thomas Bach attended the inauguration ceremony of theBeijing Olympic Tower and Olympic Symbol in Beijing on 12th. The246.8-metre high iconic architecture on Beijing’s central axis has beenformally named as the Beijing Olympic Tower and will permanently bear theOlympic rings atop.
While addressingthe inauguration ceremony, Bach said the Olympic symbol would bring the ‘OlympicSpirit’ back to the people of Beijing, adding that China should be proud ofspectacular Beijing 2008 and the Olympic legacy it left behind.
TheICO president said that he firmly believed that China would stage an edition ofexceptional Olympic Winter Games in 2022, and Beijing would once again go downin history as the first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics. Bachalso expressed his gratitude for the hard work put in by members of the Beijing2022, who had swiftly grasped the spiritual connotation of the Olympic Agenda 2020. The emphasis onsustainable development, legacy use and viability has established a solidfoundation for the successful staging of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022.
Moreover,Bach said the inauguration of the Olympic rings would inspire China to preparewell for the Games in 2022. The rings would show the people of China thesignificance of the Olympic values to them as China progresses towards abrighter future.
Commentingon the honour bestowed on Beijing with the formal naming of the Beijing OlympicTower and the use of the Olympic rings, Wang Anshun, Executive President ofBeijing 2022, said that it would play an active role in stimulating theeffective use of the Olympic legacy and vigorous promotion of the OlympicSpirit. Beijing had been committed to driving the development of the Olympiccity after Beijing 2008, he said, adding that the successful bid of Beijing andZhangjiakou for the 2022 Olympic Winter Games marked the beginning of a newquest for the construction of an Olympic city.
“Wewill thoroughly implement the development ideals of innovation, coordination,greenness, openness and sharing, while persisting in hosting an edition of theGames that is green, shared, open and honest. We will exhaustively put the Olympic Agenda 2020 into practice and createextensive plans for the preparations. We are committed to turning Beijing 2022 intoa fantastic, extraordinary and excellent Olympics gala.”
TheIOC is encouraging Olympic host cities to permanently bear the Olympic rings.Last August, Bach visited the Beijing Olympic Tower for the first time andconfirmed its permanent use of the Olympic rings, while the IOC formallyapproved its name as Beijing Olympic Tower this January.
Connectedto the landscape avenue on the central axis, the Beijing Olympic Tower is a newlandmark of Beijing, which consists of five independent towers between theheights of 186 metres to 246.8 metres. The landmark occupies a total surfacearea of 18,687 square metres and is based on the design concept of the “Tree ofLife”, which signifies that the tower rises up throughthe upturned and cracking ground and flourishes like the tree of life. Thetower top gradually expands outwards into the shape of a tree crown, lookinglike a bouquet of blooming flowers or a sprouting fountain. The five towers ofvarying heights look separated yet are connected. The unique shape connotes theever-thriving spirit of the Olympic rings.
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