The Olympic Games Rio 2016formally concludes
Following a closing ceremony brimming with intense Brazilian and sambaflavour, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bachannounced the closing of the Games of the 31st Olympiad at the MaracanãStadium on the morning of August 22, 2016, Beijing time. During his address,Bach commended the Olympic Games Rio 2016, deeming the Games “a marvellousOlympics in a marvellous city”.
After a series of musical performances, ceremony for the handover of theOlympic flag began. The Greek flag, representing the birthplace of Olympics, wasslowly hoisted in the stadium, accompanied by the national anthem. IOCPresident Bach, Rio Mayor Eduardo Paes and Governor of Tokyo YurikoKoike then arrived in the middle of the stadium. The Olympic flag was slowlylowered amidst the melodious singing of Olympic Hymn by the Brazilian youth.Later on, amidst a thunderous applause, music with Japanese elements began toplay and Rio Mayor Paes handed over the Olympic flag to Bach, who then handedit over to Koike, marking the successful completion of the handover ceremony.
The time of Tokyo then began! The red background in the stadium quicklyminimised, as a huge sun symbolising the Japanese flag appeared. Twenty actors enteredthe stadium riding self-developed self-balancing scooters, while in thebackdrop, the word “thank you” then appeared in different languages. It wasfollowed by the screening of a promotional clip rich in Japanese elements, involvingthe country’s culture, animations and history. At the end of the clip, the all-too-familiaranimation character Super Mario took advantage of Doraemon’s magical pocket andtook out a ‘teleporter’, which transported him through his pipe from Japan tothe stadium! Suddenly, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe popped out of thepipe! Later on, more performances were presented, depicting Japan’stechnological expertise, along with cute themes embodied by numerous animatedimages. Mount Fuji and Tokyo Tower appeared one after another and fireworks werethen set off. Resounding applause and cheers reverberated throughout thestadium as the Olympics formally turned over to Tokyo.
After admiring such a closing ceremony with Latin American flavour andwitnessing yet another Olympic legend, President Bach delivered his evalsuationof Rio 2016: “Au cours des seize derniers jours, un Brésil uni a animé lemonde, en ces temps difficiles pour nous tous, par son irrésistible joie devivre. Vous avez tant de raisons d’être fiers. Ces Jeux Olympiques ont démontréque la diversité est un enrichissement pour tout le monde. Ces Jeux Olympiquesont été une célébration de la diversité. Nos valeurs olympiques ont créél’unité dans cette diversité. Un grand merci au comité d’organisation des JeuxOlympiques Rio 2016, et à son président, mon ami Carlos Nuzman. Notre gratitudeva aussi en particulier aux Fédérations Internationales, aux Comités NationauxOlympiques et aux sponsors pour leur inestimable contribution à la réussite deces Jeux. Thank you to all the volunteers. Your smiles have warmed our hearts.Valeu, voluntárioses! Thank you all the Olympic athletes! You have amazed theworld with your incredible performances. […] You are sending a powerful messageof peace to the whole world. Together, we can go further. Together, we can aimhigher. United in our diversity, we are stronger. Thank you, dear ‘refugee athletes’.You have inspired us with your talent and human spirit. You are a symbol ofhope for the millions of refugees in the world. We will continue to stay by yourside after these Olympic Games. We arrived in Brazil as guests. Today we departas your friends. You will have a place in our hearts forever. These weremarvellous Olympic Games in the marvellous city!”
Bach then announced the formal conclusion of the Olympic Games and Rio2016 came to a smooth end.
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