Following theOlympic Games Beijing 2008 (hereinafter, "Beijing 2008"), the BeijingOlympic City Development Association (BODA) was established.In 2015, Beijingwon the bid to host the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, together withZhangjiakou.Recently,Jiang Xiaoyu, Vice Chairman of BODA said in a special interview with People.cnthat BODA represents the outcome of Beijing's pioneering work of carrying onthe Olympic legacies and is highly praised by the International OlympicCommittee (IOC).During the interview, Chairman Jiang pointed out that BODA shouldcapitalise on the Olympic wealth to promote sustainable development of Beijingand make its due contributions to building Beijing into an international sportscentre and a capital of international exchange and international sports events,with the aims of benefiting its residents and carrying forward the Olympicspirit.
Beijing aims to become an international sports centre.
The goal of BODA is to "Carry onOlympic Spirit and Build a Better City". What has BODA, apermanent institution, done to promote city development, carry on the Olympicspirit and promote sport for all.
Jiang Xiaoyu:
Actually BODA'saim can be described in the following four aspects: carrying on the Olympicspirit, expanding the Olympic wealth, promoting city development and benefitingthe residents.Sinceits establishment in 2009, BODA has been engaged in fulfilling its own dutiesunder the guidance of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee, the BeijingMunicipal Government and relevant authorities, centring on the overall pictureof the CPC's and the Chinese National Government's work and the key efforts ofthe city of Beijing. In summary, BODA's work falls into thefollowing categories:
First,exploiting the advantages of Beijing as an Olympic city and contributing tobuilding the city into an international sports centre.There is a saying in theworld: "Once an Olympic city, always an Olympic city".So after Beijing 2008,Beijing joined the UMVO, which is an international organisation establishedwith the support and sponsorship of the IOC. Each city thathas hosted or will host the Olympic Games or the Olympic Winter Games, i.e. acity that has successfully bid for the Games, is qualified for admission to theUMVO, of which Beijing is a member.As Beijing hosted Beijing 2008, it has establishedextensive contacts and connections with the IOC, the International ParalympicCommittee (IPC), SportAccord, UMVO as well as IFs. Building on thisadvantage, Beijing has set a goal, that is, to build itself into aninternational sports centre.
Over the years, BODA has made lots ofefforts in this aspect. For example, we stage an annual event that is theBeijing Olympic City Sports and Cultural Festival, during which lots of sportsand cultural activities are organised in August and September to attract publicparticipation. From 2009 till now, seven editions of the festival have beenheld, attracting millions of residents each year.In recent years,such activities have taken particularly diverse forms, with their content beingincreasingly enriched.Moreover,we have also staged some fantastic sports events, such as the First SportAccordCombat Games and the SportAccord World Mind Games. All these sports events werestaged to promote the construction of Beijing into an international sportscentre.In addition, we have delivered some branded sports and cultural events.For example, we participated in the Tour of Beijing, organised the BeijingInternational Sports Film Week and partook in the organisation of the BeijingOlympic Music Award.
Second, weendeavour to build a platform for fitness for all, and particularly for thehealthy growth of youth.Over the years we have carried out an Olympic educationprogramme on the theme of "Sport, Happy, Healthy".Under this slogan,we launched a series of Olympic education campaigns for the young people.The Olympic educationprogramme has been carried out for the sixth consecutive edition, with morethan 300,000 students from about 1,000 primary and middle schools participatingin the programme. Football matches are staged here every year whilesome ice and snow sports have been practised. Additionally, painting,photographic and essay contests are held too.It is worth mentioning that each timewe would organise winners of these competitions and contests for overseasvisits to, for example, the IOC headquarters and the Olympic Museum inLausanne, and Athens, the origin of the Olympic Movement. We also organisedchildren to participate in the Olympic Games Rio 2016. At the beginning of thisyear, we also organised a special learning tour for the children toPyeongchang, Korea, where the 2018 Olympic Winter Games will be held. Ithink these activities will inspire and encourage them to learn Olympicknowledge and participate in the Olympic sports, and enhance their physicalconstitution.
Third, BODA will exploit its ownadvantages to enhance the image of the city and contribute to the key effortsof Beijing and state affairs, as it did for the bid for and preparation of the2022 Olympic Winter Games. Led by the Beijing 2022 Olympic WinterGames Bid Committee, BODA fully participated in the bid work including thepre-bid research, drafting of the Candidature File, solicitation of theme songsfor the Olympic Winter Games, evalsuation of the Games' emblem design proposals,and so on.As such BODA contributed its workforce and wisdom. Some of ourcomrades were transferred to the Bid Committee and the Beijing 2022 OrganisingCommittee to help them with the bid work.
Fourth, BODA hasalso accumulated the experience from Beijing 2008 over the years, with a viewto carrying on the Olympic fruits and enabling the Olympic wealth to bringlasting benefits to the city and its people.In the past years, we havepublished books based on the systematic experience from Beijing 2008.In addition, for new taskssuch as the Olympic Winter Games, we published the large album of "Ice andSnow City", in which we gave a detailed introduction to all the countriesand cities that have hosted the Olympic Winter Games. This is very meaningfulfor spreading the Olympic spirit. Meanwhile, BODA organised a lot of trainings,providing HR and intellectual support for a number of events following Beijing2008, such as the Asian Games Guangzhou 2010, Universiade Shenzhen 2011, andNanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games, with a view to sharing the experience of ournation in hosting major sports events.
The successful experience of Beijing 2022 includes four major aspects.
As Vice President of the OrganisingCommittee of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad, you have experienced the entireprocess from the preparation of Beijing 2008 to its successful conclusion. Whatdo you think the success of Beijing 2008 would contribute to the preparationand hosting of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022?
Jiang Xiaoyu:
Beijing 2008 is a grand event for ourcountry and our nation. Thanks to the leadership of the CPC Central Committeeand the State Council, the support of all the Chinese people, and the help fromthe IOC and our international friends, we feel that we have handed in asatisfactory answer sheet by staging an unparalleled edition of the OlympicGames. Even today, we'd feel proud when thinking of Beijing 2008, which isreally worth being written into the historical book of our nation.
To summarize, I think Beijing 2008has left the following experience that Beijing 2022 can learn from. First,the fundamental experience for staging a successful edition of the OlympicWinter Games is to follow the leadership of the CPC and rely on the superiorityof the socialist system.A hallmark of Beijing 2008 is that it has demonstrated ournational strength, the power of our system, the ability of our people, thecharm of the Chinese culture, as well as the joint efforts of our team. Only bypooling nationwide resources and the wisdom of all, can we achieve success. Itis why I called this the fundamental experience.
Second, we mustadhere to the principle of people-orientation, rely on our people and sharewith our people.In this way we may receive the strongest support from ourpeople, which is also fundamental experience for the success of the OlympicWinter Games.Beijing2008 received support from more than 96% of the people. This figure wasobtained by the IOC through an internal survey of 10 cities in our country.
As the societyis advancing, how can we get further support from the public?I think we shouldstick to the principle of people-orientation and integrate the hosting of theGames with the improvement of people's livelihood and the sharing of the fruitsof the Games with the public. Only by doing so can we receive greater and moreextensive support from the people.
Third, we shouldstick to opening up and innovation, follow the international rules, fulfil ourinternational commitments, and perform our international obligations. This isto show our image as a responsible nation and a responsible city, and serves asa fundamental principle of being faithful that we ought to follow.In thisaspect, Beijing 2008 strictly observed the Olympic Charter and the Host City Contract,and fulfilled all the commitments made to the international community. Somecommitments were even over-fulfilled or fulfilled in advance.During thepreparation and hosting of the Games, we followed the international rules andpractices, while giving consideration to our particular national conditions,with innovations being made constantly. By doing so we aimed to brand theOlympic Movement with a mark of the Chinese civilisation, thereby makinggreater contributions to its development.
Last but not theleast, to stage a successful edition of the Olympic Winter Games, it isimperative for us to establish a highly professional team with politicalawareness and the spirit of devotion. This is the basis for the success of theGames.Here I'd like to emphasise two points. First, it is important that ourteam should love the country, the society and our socialist system.Second, ourteam must be a devoted and professional one that does not care how much theyget paid and how hard their work is, but instead devote themselves selflesslyto their work.This does not mean they are not getting paid or they are requiredto work completely on a voluntary basis. It means they need to have thisspirit, or they could not do a good job.In addition, this team must be professionaland international and have the required expertise and abilities. Otherwise itwould be impossible for them to deliver such a top international sports event.
I believe Beijing 2022 will followsome good practices of Beijing 2008 and draw on certain experience from it.Just as Secretary General Xi Jinping said, by sticking to the principle ofstaging an open edition of the Olympic Games and leveraging the experience ofBeijing and other countries in hosting the Games, we will surely deliver afantastic, extraordinary and excellent edition of the Olympic Winter Games in2022.
The successful bid for Beijing 2022 has far-reaching significance
In 2015, Beijingwon the bid to host the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, together withZhangjiakou.As such, Beijing has become the world's first "double-Olympic" city. Whatdo you think this means to Beijing or China?
Jiang Xiaoyu:
On 31 July this year, Beijing won thebid to host the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, together with Zhangjiakou.I think this is of great, far-reaching significance. This can be explained infour aspects. First, at the national level, Beijing 2022 is yet another topinternational event to be hosted by China following the successful conclusionof Beijing 2008 and the Shanghai World Expo 2010. This is also yet anotherhistorical opportunity for our nation that has emerged 30 years after theopening up and reform policy was implemented. This is also a historical sign ofbuilding our nation into a moderately prosperous society, a hallmark of thetimes for our nation to achieve the two 100-year goals and the first centennialgoal , as well as a milestone of realising the China Dream of achieving thegreat rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. I think thisopportunity is precious and we should particularly cherish it. We should seizethis opportunity to contribute to the development of our nation and pave theway for China to go global.
Second, from theperspective of municipal and regional development, hosting the Olympic WinterGames also represents a historical opportunity for the implementation of theNational Strategy of Integrated and Coordinated Development of theBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region.It has been proved by practical experience thathosting the Olympic Games will promote the economic and social development ofthe city, improve people's living standards, and enhance the city's modernisedmanagement capability.Therefore, hosting the Olympic Winter Games will not onlyboost the sustainable development of Beijing, but also promote the coordinateddevelopment of Zhangjiakou, the entire Hebei Province, as well as theBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. It is an important powerhouse for theimplementation of the above-mentioned National Strategy.
Third, sport-wise, hosting the 2022Olympic Winter Games will further raise the competitive level of our wintersports, accelerate the development of our winter sports industry, promote thepopularisation of sport for all, and propel the comprehensive progress of ournationals sport undertakings. In the meantime, this would push our nationforward to the goal of becoming a sport power and also present a newopportunity for China to make renewed contributions to the Olympic Movement.For this edition of the Olympic Winter Games, Secretary General Xi Jinping putforward the goal of "encouraging 300 million people to practise wintersports". He indicated that fulfilling this goal would mean significantcontributions by China to the Olympic Movement. Why is that?It is because of the popularisation of the Olympic wintersports. It would be unprecedented for the Olympic Movement to see a countryenabling the participation of 300 million people in winter sports throughhosting an edition of the Olympic Winter Games.
We set a goal during Beijing 2008that we would popularise Olympic knowledge among 400 million youth. Thiswas praised highly and supported by the IOC.Each time when Jacques Rogue, thethen president of the IOC, mentioned this goal, he would say it was absolutelyright to choose China as the host country of Beijing 2008. Thistime, IOC President Bach has also given his firm support to China.Of course, he's alsohoping China will attain the goals that he set in the Olympic Agenda 2020, thatis, for the Olympic Movement to achieve sustainable development, for China, theOlympic Games and the city of Beijing to reap a win-win outcome, and for theOlympic Winter Games to leave new precious legacies to China and the worldsport.
Lastly, from the perspective oflivelihood, hosting the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games will furtherimprove the city's air quality, enhance its modernised governance level andboost the construction of an ecologically civilised city. Bystrengthening our work in that aspect, we will create further benefits topeople's livelihood. Therefore the hosting of the Olympic Winter Games isclosely related to the interests of the people.Hosting the Olympic Winter Gameswill enhance people's living quality and standards and this is what our peopleexpect as well as the direction of our efforts.
So I thinkhosting the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games is of far-reaching significanceand is a great honour, which also means great responsibilities on the shoulderof the Beijing 2022 Organising Committee.As a matter of course, theresponsibility of hosting these Games does not lie solely with the Beijing 2022Organising Committee, but is a shared responsibility among all the people. Ihope all of us can realise that and join hands to stage a fantastic, extraordinaryand excellent edition of the Olympic Winter Games in 2022.
Boosting the Winter Sports Industry through Winter Sports Expo
As we know, the Winter Sports Expowill be held by BODA in collaboration with IDG for six consecutive years,starting from this year. So I'd like to know how this event would help achievethe goal of "encouraging 300 million people to practise wintersports" as raised by Secretary General Xi Jinping, promote the developmentof the winter sports industry, and assist in the preparations for the OlympicWinter Games.
Jiang Xiaoyu:
To stage theWinter Sports Expo is actually to fulfil a commitment we made to theinternational community.At the time Beijing was bidding for the 2022 Olympic Games,we made such a commitment to the international community including the IOCthat: no matter our bid is successful or not, we will stage the Winter SportsExpo in Beijing with a view to popularising winter sports and promoting thedevelopment of the winter sports industry in China and particularly in Beijing,and that we are willing to make contributions to Olympic winter sports. Asour bid was successful, we are certainly obliged to fulfil this commitment andperform our international obligations. I think this is a reflection of ourability to fulfil our commitments.
Staging theWinter Sports Expo, of course, is also an objective need of our winter sportsindustry for further development. I should say our sports industry is still ina sound stage of development, which is called internationally as a surgingstage.Generallyspeaking, when the per capita income reaches US$5,000, the sports industry willgo through surging growth. Now the per capita income in China is US$7,000,which means our sports industry is right in a thriving stage. However,in China, no matter for competitive sports or fitness for all, theirdevelopment is unbalanced, and the winter sports and the corresponding industryare relatively weak. As such, from our bid for and hosting of the Olympic Gamesand the Olympic Winter Games, we have seen a great tendency, that is, ourwinter sports industry, no matter in Beijing or in Chongli, has experiencedlasting and rapid development in the past couple of years.In China, the number ofski resorts has increased from over 50 years ago to more than 500 today, andthe number of people practising winter sports has grown to nearly 20 million.It is in such a context that we set this new goal, which is, to enable 300million people to practise winter sports by the year 2022.
So I think thewinter sports industry has inevitable potential for development. But whatshould we do to meet its potential?How do we provide a platform and momentumfor the winter sports industry to let it achieve even faster and betterdevelopment?I think the Winter Sports Expo is designed right for enterprises toshowcase themselves and engage in international exchange through winter sportsand industry. Meanwhile the Expo will also serve as a platform for our domesticenterprises to learn from their advanced international peers.
The success ofBeijing 2008 has proved that the Olympic Games may serve as a great catalystfor the development of our sports industry. Following the Games, a number ofwell-known sport equipment manufacturers have emerged. Taishan Sports Group,for example, was a sport equipment supplier for Beijing 2008, London 2012, Rio2016 and a number of other sports events hosted in China, such as the YouthOlympic Games, Asian Games, Universiade, and National Games. This reflects thatthe company has achieved world class in terms of its production equipment,brand and product quality. However, as for the winter sportsindustry, we haven't seen any Chinese-branded equipment recognised or theirmanufacturer titled as the official supplier in winter sports events.So I think, after Beijing2022, there will be Chinese manufacturers standing on the stage of the world'stop sports events. They will go global and become the world's leadingmanufacturers of sports devices and equipment. For us this is avery important opportunity which is actually the objective demand of our sportsindustry.
We should saythe future with the sports industry itself, which is very promising andenormous.Aswe know, the current national goal for the sports industry is to achieve atotal value of RMB 5 trillion by 2025, when the sport-practising population isexpected to reach 500 million. Actually, sport and fitness for all arebooming, while the sports industry is developing at an amazing speed.According to preliminarystatistics from the General Administration of Sport of China, the total valueof the sports industry has exceeded RMB 5 trillion, which means there aretremendous prospects for the industry. And the purpose of the Winter SportsExpo is right to make the industry better, stronger and bigger so as to meetthe needs of our people. By building such a platform, we aim tolet our people know about winter sports and give enterprises the opportunitiesto showcase themselves and learn from each other.The IOC has paid great attention tothis year's Winter Sports Expo for which all the seven IFs for winter sportshave given their support. So this is a very good international platform.
And of course,the Expo is also designed to serve the actual needs of fitness for all and theincreasing sport and livelihood demand of our people.Following Beijing 2008, thesuccessful bid for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympmic Winter Sports has onceagain ignited the passion for fitness for all. So after Beijing 2008, sport notonly means a state affair and national gala, but also represents a changednotion of the entire nation. In 2014, the State Council issued the Document No.46, requiring the elevation of fitness for all to a national strategy. Inrecent years, it has also issued a series of supporting policies. Atthe same time, changes are also taking place in people's notion of sport, whichis now not only a matter of the state or something advocated by the Party, butalso something closely tied to the family happiness and personal future and achoice of personal lifestyle.As such, a more reliable and widely-supportedbasis has been in place today for the development of the sports undertakingsand fitness for all.On this basis, we are supposed to meet the demands of ourpeople and for the same purpose to host the Olympic Winter Games and the WinterSports Expo. This is good approach to promoting fitness for all and also meanssupport for us in hosting the Olympic Winter Games.
By staging theWinter Sports Expo, we will not only introduce winter sports equipment anddevices, but also present ski venues and resorts and many rules. It is actuallya big stage for the dissemination of winter sports knowledge, as well as anopportunity for more people and consumers to follow, support and participate inwinter sports.This will further propel the preparatory work for the OlympicWinter Games and create an atmosphere of extensive social support, which isfavourable for the Games.We and IDG will do our best to prepare and deliver the FirstWinter Sports Expo and make continuous improvements, with a view to letting theevent play a truly positive role in sports development, people's welfare andthe preparation of the Olympic Winter Games in the six years to come.
(Editor: Liu Yanan)
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